Digimon Card Game EN - Machine Black ST5 Starter Deck
This deck features 16 unique card types, with 7 common, 5 uncommon, 3 rare, and 1 super rare card. It includes a total of 54 cards, 2 memory gauges, and 1 GREAT LEGEND booster pack. Perfect for those who love taking risks, this pre-built deck is designed for adventure and challenge. All boxes contain the same contents. Due to the nature of this product, there may be duplicate cards. Release date may vary by region, and the price serves as reference for North America. However, actual price may differ. Keep an eye out for a sticker on the package's back, as reprinted products may include a bonus release special booster pack. Get ready for an exhilarating experience!
198 Collier Road
Bayswater WA 6053
Marmion Avenue & Whitfords Avenue
Shop 32
Hillarys WA 6025
Kollecter - BayswaterAvailable for pickup Usually ready in 24 hours
198 Collier Road
Bayswater WA 6053
Australia -
Kollecter - WhitfordsAvailable for pickup Usually ready in 24 hours
Marmion Avenue & Whitfords Avenue
Shop 32
Hillarys WA 6025